
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Stress, good? No way?!

Hey guys,

Have you ever been swamped with so many things that you do not no where to begin. Well, I have. Sometimes I feel as though, whenever I complete a list of things to do, I end up writing a brand new one not even minutes later. I feel as though there is a never-ending cycle of things to-do. Can a person ever be free. Surely not. But it does keep people busy. Sometimes I do love having something-s- to do rather than nothing. I hate the thought of being bored. But I do have those moments of wanting to throw everything away, and curl up under the covers and sleep forever.

Yet, I come to the realization that life is about doing things, even though there may be times where you feel stressed out. There is good stress and there is bad stress. I keep convincing myself that the things I have to do give me "good stress." That definitely keeps me motivated. I came across an article Can stress actually be good for you? by Jane Weaver that quotes developmental psychologist from Johns Hopkins University, Janet DiPietro, stating: "Think about your daily life — when do you get things done? When you have a deadline, when you have to perform. You want some stress to help you do your best." I definitely agree, coming from experience. For example, whenever I write an essay right before the deadline, I feel a lot of pressure. And it's true what they say, many people do "work best under pressure." This is true, for me anyway. But sometimes I hate feeling stress. And staring at my To Do list does not help.

Fresh new To Do list.....nothing crossed out yet...:(
That To Do list you see up there. Depressing? Maybe. Doable? Yes. All in all, I do get things done...eventually. So, really, I cannot whine about things in life that I should consider a blessing. There are many people all over the world that are hungry, or in horrible situations that would rather be in my position with a bigger to do list than what they might be going through. So, in the end I always try to stay positive and look on the bright side of things, instead of the negative side of things. Because, in the end, complaining gets me no where. And it adds to my terrible habit of procrastination. Also, as my mom keeps telling me: "Make a goal and STICK TO IT! Regardless of how tough things may get. You cannot keep going through circles all your life." In my head, I am like yea sure mom. Yet when I think back, out of her words of love, she does have a point. If you do not stick by your goal or plan in life, what will you achieve? Being a quitter? Like my dad always says, "Keep moving forward, not backwards." True. These are the times that I realize that my parents are more experienced than I am. So, it keeps me staying positive and gives me hope for what I want to accomplish in the near future, no matter how many lemons...or may throw at me. :p So in the end I will definitely stick to my goal-s.

So, tips for all you fellow readers:
1. Stay Positive
2. Look on the bright side of things.
3. Realize that there is good stress.
4. Always stick to your goal(s).
5. Keep moving forward, not backwards. (Like my dad always says)

So, here are some questions that will be appreciated in the comments below:
Have you ever felt under pressure?
Have you ever had a huge list of things to do?
Have you ever been under a lot of stress?
Have you ever procrastinated?
What are somethings do you do to say positive?
What keeps you motivated in life?

Off to start working on my to-do list. And sleep.

Good Night!

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